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October 23, 2024 | Events | By MG


G7 Conference on Large RI "Synergies and impact on science and society", co-organized by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research with the Italian INFN, 28-30 October 2024

The Conference will investigate the critical role that large research infrastructures play in advancing scientific knowledge, as well as their economic, social, and geopolitical implications, with a particular focus on G7 members, but open to other contributions. The report commissioned by the Italian Presidency to The European House – Ambrosetti, launched in April
in Turin, will set the scene for the discussion.

Furthermore, the conference aims to explore the opportunities for enhancing collaboration among large research infrastructures hosted by G7 countries by sharing ideas and best practices among policymakers, researchers, and socio-economic stakeholders. The G7 delegations coming to Sardinia will identify, through an open debate, the way forward for better exploiting synergies and complementarities. The conference includes a visit to Sos Enattos, the site Italy is proposing as the potential location for the ESFRI project “Einstein Telescope”.


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