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June 11, 2015 | Events | By MG

Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Large Hadron Collider to 2025 and beyond

Massimo Florio presented “Cost-Benefit Analysis of the LHC to 2025 and beyond: Was it Worth it?” at CERN Colloquium. 11th June 2015

CBA model designed for large scale research infrastructures and applied to the LHC. I showed estimations of investment and operation costs spread over 30 years (to 2025), combining data from the CERN and the experiments, and the evaluation of the benefits of knowledge output (publications), human capital development, technological spillovers, and cultural effects. Additionally, I presented the willingness-to-pay for the pure value of discovery at the LHC by the general public estimated through a survey of around 1,ooo respondendents in four countries.

Click here for  video and  ppt of my presentation.
Click here for more informations.

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