Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
10th Milan CBA Summer School, 18-19-20 September 2023, Milan, Italy
CSIL is pleased to announce that registrations for the X edition of the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis are now OPEN

The training course of the X edition of the Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis offers an intensive and participative learning experience focused on CBA as a tool supporting the decision-making process of public investments.
The School is structured to allow participants to acquire a solid background in different aspects:
- the general CBA principles and methods (how to design and run a financial, economic, sensitivity and risk analysis);
- to get an in-depth knowledge of its sectoral application (the typical benefits to consider by sector and the techniques most frequently used to evaluate them);
- to learn how to efficiently review the quality of a CBA and improve it (practice on real-life cases and critical discussion).
The programme and approach have been refocused, updated and expanded. All sessions will be hands-on and interactive. Lectures on principles and methods of CBA and sectoral applications feature exercises on real cases and interactive tools to practice lessons learnt. Participants will apply their newly acquired knowledge with the support of lecturers and tutors to deepen their understanding of how to apply CBA in relevant workplace scenarios.
Lecturers are experts with longstanding experience designing, implementing and reviewing CBA of infrastructure projects. Some contributed to the European Commission’s Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects and the Economic Appraisal Vademecum 2021-2027.
An early bird fee is available for applications sent before 30 MARCH 2023.
Full details about the School are available online:
Milan Summer School on CBA – X edition